About me

Programmer | Archaeologist | Traveler | Lifelong Learner

I am a Javascript (Node.JS + React/Redux) and Ruby on Rails web developer. Beyond code, I am a traveler, an archaeologist, and a lifelong learner.

I'm currently working as a full-stack Javascript developer for an international education technology company as part of a small team building a marketplace that had over 70 million downloads in 2016. In this role, I've been using Node.js, React/Redux, MongoDb, Docker, nginx, Webpack, and RabbitMQ, among other tools, within a microservices system. I have experience working in Ruby on Rails, as well as web standards - JavaScript (React, Flux, jQuery), SQL (Postgres), Git, HTML, and CSS/SASS.

Before this, I completed an immersive web development course at App Academy, a coding bootcamp with < 5% acceptance rate. While there I built single-page, fully responsive apps with Rails back ends and React.js front ends, in addition to countless Ruby and JavaScript projects. I've been able to design, code, and launch projects all while working across the stack from the database level to polished CSS, and everything in between.




Platform for skill-sharing workshop signups and reviews, adapted from Feastly.

● Single-page, fully responsive React app built on RESTful Rails architecture.
● Polymorphic associations populate site with user updates and uploads in real time.
● Custom interactive design elements include carousels, clickable star-ratings and jQuery-based CSS transitions.


An addictive number puzzle game

● Mobile-friendly, using jQuery to interpret swipe gestures.
● Each tile is rendered to the DOM as a separate element, resulting in smooth gameplay transitions.


A fully interactive, pure-ruby chess game runs in the terminal.

● Responds to arrow key keyboard inputs to navgiate the board.
● Colorized board highlights possible moves.
● Object-oriented focus includes inheritance from common Piece and slideable classes.


A Rails/JavaScript app to track typing speed and accuracy.

● Pulls from any github project in any language.
● Users view progress in real time, followed by data and charts on WPM and frequently missed keys on completion.
● Awarded second place at the DBC Nov. 2015 hackathon.



  • Ruby

  • JavaScript

  • Rails

  • React.js

  • git

  • Flux

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • jQuery

  • Bootstrap
